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Home We Are Hiring

Become a Guide and show your home town to the world

Are you a fun, friendly Guangzhou native who loves their city and wants to show off our city to tourists from far and wide. At Janvi Tour, we promise to bring our guests on lovely Guangzhou walking tours/food tours/bike tours. As such, we are always on the lookout for sincere and sociable people, with a BIG love for Guangzhou, to join us in making it fun and easy for our guests to immerse in a real Guangzhou environment. Now in our fourth year we usually need more guides to make sure we can accommodate everyone who wants to join a tour. So if you love exploring Guangzhou/Guangdong Province and can't think of anything better than sharing this with others, get in touch! The information and training necessary will be provided! There is also a minimum of 2 tours per week but more are also possible, employed on a casual basis.

Here are some of the key qualities that we think you must have:
  • A passion to share and inspire
  • Great relationship-building skills
  • Fluent in English
  • Possess an in-depth knowledge of Cantonese history, culture and cuisine
  • A valid Tourist Guide Pass issued by the Travel Industry Council of Guangzhou
Here are some of the key benefits that we provide:
  • Meeting awesome people from all over the world
  • A friendly working culture
  • Regular learning & development courses
  • Flexible working hours
  • Strong legs – obviously!
If all of these sound great and you would like to be part of our team, we would love to hear from you soon. To apply send us an email and resume to: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it – with the following documents and information:

Resume AND your cover letter.
A short description, in English only, on:

Why do you think you will be a great Guangzhou tour guide?
What do you like most about Guangzhou and why?
Which days of the week would you be available to work?

Only completed application will be considered. Suitable candidates will be notified via email.