Guangzhou Travel Guide

Discover Guangzhou Self Guided Book is written by Janvi Tours, formerly Guangzhou Private Tour Guide Janvi or Guangzhou Tour Guide Janvi

Written by J. C.
Published August 2018

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Home Travel Guide Introduction Of Guangzhou

The Great Flood of 1915

Guangzhou Great Flood 1915

In the Canton region, the title of the Year of the Great Flood; and it is to be hoped that this distinction will never be disputed in after years. Inundations, local and partial, there is every year; but never before, so far as authentic records show, has there been so widespread and destructive a flood as occurred this year from the 10th to the 20th July. The old city of Canton, being higher than the adjoining sections, was for the most part free from the flood; but the new city, the southern and western suburbs, and the Island of Shameen were submerged for 10 days to a depth of 6 to 10 feet; and the surrounding country for many miles in every direction was for the most part underwater, villages being laid low, crops entirely destroyed, property of all kinds swept away, and an untold number of lives lost.

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The Histories of Guangzhou Railway Station

Guangzhou Railway Station

Guangzhou railway station was built in the ’70s with a typical Soviet-style, covers an area of 26,000 square meters, the railway station still keeps the original construction when it started to be used. The main building has a four-story height, there are green landscapes, a goldfish pool, and a small bridge. Also, there are lots of Caryota palms were planted in the small garden between each waiting room and some bamboos on the back porch. It can be seen that there is a large electric clock with 4.5 meters high and 5 meters wide in the middle of the main building external, as one of the guardians who have witnessed the development of Guangzhou.

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